
Brad Waites in Asheville at One Center Yoga


I've been on a blog writing sabbatical for the past couple of months. Some of it is for personal reasons, but mostly because between managing a yoga studio, teaching yoga classes and privates full time, running a 200 hour yoga teacher training, writing a curriculum for a restorative teacher training, re-doing our website (stay tuned!), starting a non-profit, writing and testing the curriculum for the non-profit, going through a fellowship to learn how to run a non-profit, renovating my house...umm...eating, sleeping(sometimes), having a personal practice (but no personal life) cup is brimming with adventure. My live is amazing right now. I have never felt so clear about my direction even though the details are nebulous and I'm terrified most of the time. 

It's left me little time to blog but I'm writing and reflecting everyday. This year has brought me so much insight and I can't wait to share with you again but, for now, I am writing to share about my friend and Purna Yoga colleague, Brad Waites.

I was the second group to go through the 2,000 hour Purna Yoga training in 2006. The first day of my training we were told that we would get a mentor from the group that was one year ahead of us. We picked these names out of a basket. I didn't know who this person was, never met him or spoke to him, but I knew I wanted Brad Waites as my mentor! And when the basket came to me, I selected Brad Waites! He's an incredible teacher, with tremendous insight and a lens of the Purna Yoga practice that satisfies my body, my mind and my soul! 

Brad is gonna be teaching a workshop a few hours away in the beautiful city of Asheville, hosted by the lovely Letitia Walker at One Center Yoga. I hope you'll join us for a transformative weekend. 

For Details and Registration, click this link . Oh, and today is the last day to receive the early bird special! 

The Most Underrated Muscles

I'm currently fascinated by the intercostal muscles: the muscles between each rib. I'm spending a lot of time opening them and learning about their unique position and function in the body. Did you know that the intercostal muscles are the only muscles in front of your thoracic spine? The cervical spine has many muscles in front of it, and the lumbar has the psoas, but the closest muscles to the thoracic spine are the intercostals—and they aren't even attached to the spine itself. How interesting! The intercostals are responsible for 30% of normal breathing. 30%! That’s one-third of our breath capacity, which means that tension in the intercostals equals 30% less oxygen for the body.

And there is definitely tension in the intercostals. Beyond the fact that they are used all the time for breathing, a common problem called “dowager’s hump” is created by sitting at a desk and slouching. Of course carrying grief and sadness from the past also creates tension. These muscles work hard and often, which means that in order to open them, time is required. A thirty-second backbend just won’t do it, even if repeated many times.

When held for 5-10 minutes, postures like the Supported Matsyasana help to undo the tension held in the intercostals, as well as improve breathing, correct posture, remove grief, bring the feeling of joy, and—like all backbends—move you from fear to power. All very important things to work on.

I'll be in Asheville this weekend, teaching more about the intercostals for a Purna Yoga Weekend at One Center Yoga. Other topics for the weekend include Aadil's famous Eye Workshop, a DIY asana detox, the two most important postures in asana: The King and Queen (Shirsahasana and Sarvangasana), and meditation—the reason for your practice. Asheville is only three hours away and it's so beautiful right now. Join me at One Center Yoga June 3-5th.

Also, if you are interested in learning more about the wonder that is your body, join me for the 200 Hour Purna Yoga Teacher Training that starts June 11th, 2016. Preview the curriculum here and register on our website .


Free Classes @ Local Farmers Markets

Ponce City - Starting Tuesday 6/7 at 4pm Decatur - Saturday 6/11 & 6/18 at 10am East Atlanta Village - Thursday 6/16 at 6pm Westside - Sunday 6/19 & 6/26 at 10:30am

Don't forget about our new contribution classes! Click here to view our full schedule + register for classes at All Life is Yoga online.