the mother


You are to be conscious of yourself, you must awake to your nature and movements, you must know why and how you do things or feel or think them; you must understand your motives and impulses, the forces, hidden and apparent, that move you; in fact, you must, as it were, take to pieces the entire machinery of your being. Once you are conscious, it means that you can distinguish and sift things, you can see which are the forces that pull you down and which help you on. And when you know the right from the wrong, the true from the false, the divine from the undivine, you are to act strictly up to your knowledge; that is to say, resolutely reject one and accept the other. The duality will present itself at every step and at every step you will have to make your choice. You will have to be patient and persistent and vigilant - “sleepless”, as the adepts say...
— The Mother

 A year of insomnia and now I know why!

Frenetic to Fearless

Join me Saturday, Dec 10th, from 12pm-2:15pm for a master practice. This is my current home practice to strengthen my nervous system, widen my perspective and open my heart. The program will include 15 minutes meditation at the start and end of session, 1 hour of strong asana (postures), 30 minutes of pranayama (intricate breathing techniques) and a deep, guided savasana (repose).

Investment : $35

Do the Math: Good Health is a Triple Equilibrium

by Rutu Chaudhari

When it comes to health, as the Mother says, "the combinations are innumerable." The mental, vital and physical conditions must all be addressed because what shows up on the surface as an ailment is always an indication of a much deeper discord.

Yoga is an exploration, discovery and fulfillment of your dharma, your true purpose. That’s why I do yoga. I want to live authentically. That’s why I teach yoga. Imagine a community of people that are all doing what they love, sharing their art in the world, resonating gratitude and being of value - whose yoga practice serves to increases their productivity rather than act as a means to release the stress of a life without purpose.

Sure, it starts with unwinding the perceived stress we carry. We have stress because we ignore and numb the inner voice of truth, and when we ignore long enough, “problems” start to arise. What manifests on the surface as pain, injury or disease is the psychic expressing, through the many different sheaths of our being: the mental, vital and ultimately, the physical, this is not why you were born. Find yourself! That inner voice of purpose doesn’t go away and thank god it doesn’t! The soul’s voice is soft and strong, guiding us towards a life of joy.  We just have to get quiet enough to listen and courageous enough to act on the truth we hear.

I’m ok with you coming to the studio to stretch your hamstrings, but this is not a gymnastics class.  If you’re interested in true yoga, you’re invested in living your dharma.  All life is yoga!

rutu chaudhari yoga teacher

Rutu Chaudhari is a certified Purna Yoga teacher who holds a 2,000-hour certification. Rutu assists teacher trainings, yoga workshops and conferences with Aadil Palkhivala.  She is the Director of the College of Purna Yoga in Atlanta and conducts teacher trainings at her thriving studio, All Life is Yoga.

Rutu is a shining example of the discipline and love for yoga. She sincerely lives her yoga and her radiance and light shine from the inside out. Rutu offers an abounding knowledge of alignment and anatomy, meditation, practical application of yogic philosophy and nutrition and lifestyle from Ayurveda, Chinese and Western traditions. She is also a leading teacher of yoga therapeutics.

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The Laws of Successful Business According to The Mother

by Rutu Chaudhari

111As many of you know, the studio is going through some changes and the past several months have been challenging. I've done some serious soul-searching and made some hard decisions. When I first opened the studio, I read information The Mother wrote about business and management. I didn't entirely understand what she was talking about then. Now, four years into running a studio, it feels like lightbulbs are going off.

As with all of The Mother's writing, I will read this a year from now, ten years from now, and it will mean something very different than it does in this moment. Truth evolves as you do, and I'm so grateful for that and I'm grateful for this community. I can be candid and vulnerable and I feel supported.

1. Master Your Nature 2. Remember that the purpose of business is to increase splendor. 3. Reflect deeply on what you are creating in business and why you are creating it.  4. Strategize (maneuver your company through external forces) as a short-term approach to business. 5. Re-engineer(balance the internal forces of the company through alignment with external forces) as a mid-term approach to business. 6. Individualize (enhance the growth and welfare of the individual) as a long-term approach to business. 7. Focus on the long-term as well as the short-term. 8. Treat all with whom you interact as part of yourself and seek the best for all involved parties. 9. Seek beneath the surface to discover what humanity needs to grow. 10. Take time in introspection and receptive silence. 11. Coordinate around a central theme. 12. Know your customer directly.

"Progress lies in a normal but progressive equilibrium, periods of assimilation - reception, assimilation - and periods of expenditure, and knowing how to balance the two, and alternate them in a rhythm which is your personal one." - The Mother