All Life is Yoga - Atlanta, GA

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While I'm Away

I will be at Purna Yoga East in Clayton, NC assisting Aadil Palkhivala with the 500 Hour Purna Yoga Teacher Training. There are still a few more days to register for this training. This time that I spend immersing myself in study and teaching not only feeds my development as a student of yoga but it also allows me to better serve you in your process as a practitioner. The challenge I experience when I leave town is that my classes diminish in attendance. I understand the connection one has to a particular teacher and I appreciate the investment of time, money, and effort that you make to attend my class and study with me and it is important for me to leave town to refine myself and my teaching.

I would like to leave town and not worry about whether or not two weeks away will create a strain on the business. My request is that you continue to attend class, nourish your practice with consistency, expand your mind to the potential of learning from another teacher, support me so I can better support you and help keep the doors of this beautiful studio open. We're in it together.

Thanks for your continued support of All Life is Yoga. I look forward to sharing the teachings I receive from Aadil with you.