
Frenetic to Fearless

Saturday, December 10
12:00pm- 2:15pm
Location: All Life is Yoga

Join me this Saturday for a master practice. This is my current home practice to strengthen my nervous system, widen my perspective and open my heart. The program will include 15 minutes meditation at the start and end of session, 1 hour of strong asana (postures), 30 minutes of pranayama (intricate breathing techniques) and a deep, guided savasana (repose).

Investment: $35


You are to be conscious of yourself, you must awake to your nature and movements, you must know why and how you do things or feel or think them; you must understand your motives and impulses, the forces, hidden and apparent, that move you; in fact, you must, as it were, take to pieces the entire machinery of your being. Once you are conscious, it means that you can distinguish and sift things, you can see which are the forces that pull you down and which help you on. And when you know the right from the wrong, the true from the false, the divine from the undivine, you are to act strictly up to your knowledge; that is to say, resolutely reject one and accept the other. The duality will present itself at every step and at every step you will have to make your choice. You will have to be patient and persistent and vigilant - “sleepless”, as the adepts say...
— The Mother

 A year of insomnia and now I know why!

Frenetic to Fearless

Join me Saturday, Dec 10th, from 12pm-2:15pm for a master practice. This is my current home practice to strengthen my nervous system, widen my perspective and open my heart. The program will include 15 minutes meditation at the start and end of session, 1 hour of strong asana (postures), 30 minutes of pranayama (intricate breathing techniques) and a deep, guided savasana (repose).

Investment : $35

I Already Failed! - All Life is Yoga

We completed the second module of our 200 Hour Purna Yoga Teacher Training this weekend. On Sunday we focused on foundations of living and incorporated what Aadil calls, "21 Day Experiments". These are a list of practices that cultivate character. Each student is to pick one to practice for the next 21 days. It takes 21 days to create a new nerve synapsis, a new habit. If you miss the opportunity to practice your experiment, you must start over to day one. Is what I'm about to say kind, true and necessary is my experiment for the next 21 days.

If all three of these components are not present, then I will practice restraint in my communication. Most of you know that I am a direct person. My communication may not have malice, but it is not cushioned. I'm learning that, for me, effective communication must have kindness, truth and necessity.

Monday was Day 1 of my experiment. I had a conversation with my sister and I failed at my 21 Day Experiment. My communication was not kind or necessary, though true :)

There is a reason why Ahimsa (nonviolence) comes before Satya (truth) in the Yamas of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. If I cannot speak my truth with kindness, I am only creating more violence on this planet. If I cannot speak my truth with kindness, is it necessary? I at least get points for being aware of my failures? Yes and No. I'm back to Day 1!

The Bridge To Sarvangasana

Have you ever been in a yoga class and, while practicing Setu Bhandha Sarvangasana (bridge pose), been instructed to roll your shoulders toward each other and away from your ears? This instruction may have been useful at some point in our history but is no longer relevant, rather, it is counterproductive to a safe and healthy curve in your neck. Here is why:

First of all, we do not need to lengthen the back of the neck. Most of us sit in front of a computer or hover forward all day, which has overly lengthened the back of the neck while shortening the front. We are losing the natural curve of the neck because of our lifestyles. As Aadil would say, “We are no longer fruit pickers.” We are not doing the same things we did a hundred years ago, so why would our practice look the same? It must evolve to suit our current circumstances, and currently we need to open the muscles in the front of the neck to maintain or bring back a natural neck curve.

This posture is the “bridge” to Sarvangasana, or shoulder stand—the most powerful and necessary posture in our practice. Sarvangasana represents the feminine. It’s cooling, softening, calming, healing but to achieve these effects requires a tremendous amount of flexibility. It’s one of the most beneficial postures and also one of the most injurious if practiced without awareness. Shoulder stand is performed correctly when C7, the base of your neck, is off the ground. Only then can the shoulders safely bear the weight of the pose. This is why we use pads to support the neck in Sarvangasana; it creates a neck curve that fully supports C7. Most people do not have the flexibility necessary to bear the weight of the body on their shoulders without straining the neck. Even though you are not bearing the full weight of your body while in Setu Bhandha Sarvangasana, the opening required to achieve the pose is similar and prepares the body for Sarvangasana. In both postures, the potential is high for the neck bones to drop out of their natural curve if weight is placed upon them. If practiced for years in this way, the neck can be seriously damaged.

As a teacher, you should look for two things in your students’ necks:

  1. C7 is off the ground, indicating that the student is maintaining a natural curve in their neck.
  2. The back of the neck is soft and you cannot feel the bones of the neck. Examine your students’ positioning regularly, and modify by adding blankets or pads under their shoulders until they develop the flexibility necessary to do the pose safely.

Other position points: Check to see that your students’ feet are hip distance apart, knees are hip distance apart and situated directly above the ankles and shoulders are rolled under.

Once correct position is established, teach actions.

Actions: Press heels into the floor and lift sacrum up and away from head. Lift the pit of the abdomen towards the chest. Press upper arms into the floor and lift the sides of the waist. Externally rotate shoulders and drop the weight of the shoulders into the floor. Soften the throat and face. Smile!

Restorative Yoga Teacher Training And Class At ALIY

To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders - Chuang Tzu

I began teaching the first weekly restorative yoga class in Atlanta in 2005. Every Friday night, we would meet from 6:15 to 7:45pm in the downstairs studio of Yoga Samadhi—which is now All Life is Yoga. It was the most popular class on the schedule at the time, and we managed to squeeze 20+ people into the small room, plus bolsters, blocks, straps, blankets... As a teacher, it was a whirlwind! It was one of the most challenging and rewarding classes I ever taught.

I truly love the restorative practice; I think it’s one of the most important practices to incorporate into your weekly regimen. The intention is not to stretch muscles, but instead to relax them. Like Shavasana, restoratives are the ultimate practice of surrender. You train the muscles, mind, and emotions to let go, and this releases tension in the nervous system, calms the mind, and opens the potential for change.

Restorative Yoga is beneficial for all levels of students, as it provides a balance to our active, often hectic lifestyles. It is accessible for those recovering from injury, and nurturing for women during pregnancy and monthly period cycles. The restorative practice reduces anxiety, stress, and high blood pressure, and nourishes the organic body, especially kidney and adrenal function.

All Life is Yoga has two offerings to encourage the practice and teaching of restorative yoga in Atlanta.

  • Narin Hassan will offer a weekly restorative yoga class on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:30pm. This is a donation-based class, which means you can use your class card or pay an alternate amount based on your financial means.
  • Restorative Yoga Teacher Training: Level 1 (October 8th & 9th) and Level 2 (December 3rd & 4th). I am so excited to offer a training for those who are interested in deepening their restorative practice, and for those who want to teach this healing work. Level 1 establishes the foundations of Restorative Yoga: the essential postures, as well as anatomy, benefits, contraindications, and modifications. Level 2 will continue with more intermediate postures that are not accessible to beginner students, but powerful for those who have a strong asana practice. There will also be meditation, nutrition, and lifestyle education, and philosophy that supports rest, healing, and rejuvenation. Save the dates! More details and registration information to come.

Congratulations To WE! Introducing The Dharma Project - Center for Civic Innovation Fellowship

Since last year I have been on a quest to clarify how the work I do can be of more value in Atlanta. I love teaching yoga and our community AND feel that we're not reaching so many that can benefit from this practice. Diversity, inclusivity and access are some of the major issues I wanted to address and so, The Dharma Project was born. With the help of some amazing people I have been able to formulate a beautiful vision and mission for our non-profit and now, I am ready to learn the skills needed to grow our organization in the most beautiful and impactful way. 70 people applied. 20 finalists. 8 fellows selected! I am thrilled to be a part of this amazing cohort of individuals embarking on six months of mentorship for their social enterprise with the Center for Civic Innovation. From the first panel discussion I attended at CCI, I knew I needed to somehow be involved with this organization. Now I get to study and learn from some of the finest in the city.

Here is the story of the eight social entrepreneurs that were selected for the inaugural Civic Innovation Fellowship. I get to spend the next six months with these amazing people! To read the entire story click to this link.

  • Alexander Acosta, Soul Food Cypher: Soul Food Cypher utilizes the power of freestyle rap and lyricism to transform the lives of individuals and their communities. They are an organization that showcases the positive aspects of hip hop culture through our cypher events, membership program, and community outreach.
  • Joshua Brown, The Center for Children with Incarcerated Parents of America:The Center for Children with Incarcerated Parents of America is a minority and veteran operated community-based organization whose mission is to divert parental and intergenerational incarceration, by helping at-risk, low-income individuals to stabilize their lives economically and reach their leadership potential in the community.
  • Monica Campana, Living Walls, The City Speaks: Living Walls seeks to promote, educate and change perspectives about our public space via street art. With their mission we aim to address blight, neglected public spaces, connection between people in their communities, and access to free thought-provoking art in the public space.
  • Rutu Chaudhari, The Dharma Project: The Dharma Project's mission is to educate, empower, and employ populations that face financial and/or social barriers to the transformative power of yoga. They introduce vulnerable populations to yoga and healthy lifestyle practices, and train individuals from those communities to teach yogic practices on their own, creating a cycle of wellness that continues to spread in underserved communities.
  • Marian Liou, We Love BuHi: We Love BuHi envisions a safe, attractive, fun, livable and inclusive Buford Highway corridor. The organization seeks to catalyze the area's revitalization through creative, collaborative placemaking showcasing the area's diversity.
  • Reginald Maisonneuve, eDea, LLC: eDea is dedicated to advancing the financial well-­being of individuals and communities and giving institutions the means to better serve them. Through the innovative use of technology, we define, visualize and quantify financial health to help people understand, achieve and maintain financial well-being.
  • Jeffrey Martín, honorCode: honorCode's purpose is to empower schools to build the capacity for tomorrow's world. They provide curriculum and training to schools to bring more web development into the general K12 classroom.
  • Susanna Spiccia, re:imagine/ATL: re:imagine/ATL is a nonprofit organization that equips youth from all backgrounds to share their stories through multimedia production, activating youth through project-based learning to positively impact their community.

Leggo My Ego

"The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become." Charles Du Bos

At any moment! Can you imagine what that must feel like? That level of trust and humility. I've been contemplating this quote a lot lately. I wonder how many opportunities I've missed to live to my potential because of my inability to surrender my ego. Lately my ego feels so strong. I meditate, I practice, I pray and yet this incessant voice of fear and unworthiness dominate my consciousness.

I want to be that person who can sacrifice her ego at any moment. I want to become the person I dream about being, do the work that I'm here to do and help to create a more beautiful, just and loving world. I know yoga is in my life to teach me how. I hope I'm open to receiving the wisdom in my heart amid the current raging voice of ignorance. I'll keep practicing, I guess...

Of course I will. What other real option is there?

While I'm Away

I will be at Purna Yoga East in Clayton, NC assisting Aadil Palkhivala with the 500 Hour Purna Yoga Teacher Training. There are still a few more days to register for this training. This time that I spend immersing myself in study and teaching not only feeds my development as a student of yoga but it also allows me to better serve you in your process as a practitioner. The challenge I experience when I leave town is that my classes diminish in attendance. I understand the connection one has to a particular teacher and I appreciate the investment of time, money, and effort that you make to attend my class and study with me and it is important for me to leave town to refine myself and my teaching.

I would like to leave town and not worry about whether or not two weeks away will create a strain on the business. My request is that you continue to attend class, nourish your practice with consistency, expand your mind to the potential of learning from another teacher, support me so I can better support you and help keep the doors of this beautiful studio open. We're in it together.

Thanks for your continued support of All Life is Yoga. I look forward to sharing the teachings I receive from Aadil with you.

Community Strives For Integration

I want people who want yoga to have access to yoga.I want people who don’t even know they want yoga to have access to yoga. I want people who have more than enough to give, so that other people can have yoga in their lives. I want everybody doing more yoga!

Hmm... there’s plenty more I want for this community, but this is a good start. :-)

I look forward to sharing dreams and ideas during our five-year anniversary party this Saturday, April 9th. My 10-11:30AM teaching will be a free community class. After that, at 12PM, stick around for a vegetarian potluck and community discussion. Please bring your suggestions for strengthening and expanding Purna Yoga in Atlanta.

As an aside, one of my blog entries, “May Your Medications Bring You Peace, Love, and Bliss,” got published in Elephant Journal. Here it is! Please share the link on Facebook or whatever social media avenue you choose. The more views it receives the more potential for me to get better opportunities to write. Thank you!

rutu chaudhari yoga teacher

Rutu Chaudhari is a certified Purna Yoga teacher who holds a 2,000-hour certification. Rutu assists teacher trainings, yoga workshops and conferences with Aadil Palkhivala.  She is the Director of the College of Purna Yoga in Atlanta and conducts teacher trainings at her thriving studio, All Life is Yoga.

Rutu is a shining example of the discipline and love for yoga. She sincerely lives her yoga and her radiance and light shine from the inside out. Rutu offers an abounding knowledge of alignment and anatomy, meditation, practical application of yogic philosophy and nutrition and lifestyle from Ayurveda, Chinese and Western traditions. She is also a leading teacher of yoga therapeutics.

Save the Date: April 9th from 10 AM-1:30 PM

April marks All Life Is Yoga’s fifth year in business! From what I understand, if you can get through the first five years of having a business… :-) To celebrate, I will be teaching my 10-11:30AM class as a community appreciation class and we will have a potluck gathering afterwards from 12-1:30. Feel free to bring a yummy, vegetarian dish.

Also, I will be sharing some big news. The time I’ve taken away from running the business as a traditional yoga studio has brought me a tremendous amount of clarity about the direction I truly want the business to go in. I am looking forward to communicating this new clarity with you.

I hope you are able to attend. Thank you so much for supporting All Life Is Yoga for the past five years. Many more to come!

rutu chaudhari yoga teacher

Rutu Chaudhari is a certified Purna Yoga teacher who holds a 2,000-hour certification. Rutu assists teacher trainings, yoga workshops and conferences with Aadil Palkhivala.  She is the Director of the College of Purna Yoga in Atlanta and conducts teacher trainings at her thriving studio, All Life is Yoga.

Rutu is a shining example of the discipline and love for yoga. She sincerely lives her yoga and her radiance and light shine from the inside out. Rutu offers an abounding knowledge of alignment and anatomy, meditation, practical application of yogic philosophy and nutrition and lifestyle from Ayurveda, Chinese and Western traditions. She is also a leading teacher of yoga therapeutics.

Yeah, I'm competitive.

Everyday I compete with myself. Have I become better than yesterday? That is my objective. I'm not interested in being better than you. I'm interested in experiencing the fullest glory of my own self. Why do I settle for a mediocre version of myself when I have, in my heart center, access to unconditional love? Good Question. Good Practice.

rutu chaudhari yoga teacher

Rutu Chaudhari is a certified Purna Yoga teacher who holds a 2,000-hour certification. Rutu assists teacher trainings, yoga workshops and conferences with Aadil Palkhivala.  She is the Director of the College of Purna Yoga in Atlanta and conducts teacher trainings at her thriving studio, All Life is Yoga.

Rutu is a shining example of the discipline and love for yoga. She sincerely lives her yoga and her radiance and light shine from the inside out. Rutu offers an abounding knowledge of alignment and anatomy, meditation, practical application of yogic philosophy and nutrition and lifestyle from Ayurveda, Chinese and Western traditions. She is also a leading teacher of yoga therapeutics.

May Your Medications Bring You Peace, Love and Bliss

According to an article on insomnia and effectiveness of the popular sleep medicine Ambien, there is virtually no difference in the quality and amount of sleep you get when taking sleep medication. The average increase in sleep with Ambien is only twenty minutes more than when not taking a drug for sleep. What Ambien does do is trigger short-term amnesia, so that you forget that you tossed and turned all night. By blocking memory, it creates the illusion of a good night’s sleep. Insomnia has become a subject of study for me because I’m currently challenged by it. For the past five months, I have received, on average, a total of two hours of sleep a night. I’m opposed to taking drugs because I know that they are just a Band-Aid; only addressing symptoms does little for long-term healing and, in many cases, creates a myriad of other ailments and potential disease. However, after a few months of not sleeping, I caved and took a sleeping pill. I woke up feeling refreshed! So I did it again the next night, and again I woke up invigorated and ready to greet the world. Then I decided to stop as to not create a habit.

So, if I actually didn’t get any additional sleep by taking those sleeping pills, then what is it that had me feeling so rejuvenated? Seth Godin explains that it’s about the story we tell ourselves. Not sleeping for months created a certain story that only perpetuated the frustration and exhaustion I felt. I’m tired, I’m unproductive because I haven’t slept, I’m depressed because I haven’t slept… what’s wrong with me? If I’m not getting sleep by taking a pill or not taking a pill, then my best option is to change the story I’m telling myself about my insomnia. And that’s what I’m working towards now.

Perhaps this period of insomnia is a recalibration in my nervous system. Per the recommendation of my meditation teacher, I’ve spent nearly past ten years in a state of involution. I’ve been focused on inner work, not taking in 85% of the outer world. For nearly a decade, I stopped listening to music, reading books; I stopped watching movies and news, and discovering art. I occasionally peeked out, but for the most part social interaction ceased so that I could go inside to discern between what is my truth and what is the influence of the outer world. It was an incredible period—but now, I’m coming out. I’m ready to be in the world and integrate my inner work with the outer world. I’m emerging!

That’s the story I tell myself. And I am sleeping five hours a night, now.

The story we tell ourselves about our ailments can be a vehicle for change, a tool for healing. Personally, meditation is what helps clarify and implement this new story into my day-to-day routine. While most medications serve to help us forget, and to numb what’s actually going on, meditation serves to increase our sensitivity and connect us more deeply to ourselves, others and our planet.

rutu chaudhari yoga teacher

Rutu Chaudhari is a certified Purna Yoga teacher who holds a 2,000-hour certification. Rutu assists teacher trainings, yoga workshops and conferences with Aadil Palkhivala.  She is the Director of the College of Purna Yoga in Atlanta and conducts teacher trainings at her thriving studio, All Life is Yoga.

Rutu is a shining example of the discipline and love for yoga. She sincerely lives her yoga and her radiance and light shine from the inside out. Rutu offers an abounding knowledge of alignment and anatomy, meditation, practical application of yogic philosophy and nutrition and lifestyle from Ayurveda, Chinese and Western traditions. She is also a leading teacher of yoga therapeutics.

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